Last night on I got the opportunity to start bringing Legends of Today to life! This was a first Open Legend game for all the players and one of the first RPGs ever for 2 of the players. With that in mind I simplified out the magical races and just focused on 'normal' characters. So this was a proof of concept for the modern setting, not the idea of including magic. I learned a few things: 1. Loose notes are good notes. I kept the things the players liked best and skipped anything they didn't. 2. Fights in Open Legend can be brutal! This might be luck, but last time I ran OL, the party ran right over the opposition. This time, I immediately exploded the dice in a big way against a PC. They were knocked unconscious immediately. 3. Unsurprisingly, there is a big difference between a Power Level 7 and Power Level 5. The attacks made at Power Level 7 proved unstoppable against Level 1 players. I took note of the names the players wanted to use bu...
An Open Legend campaign setting of modern fantasy, magic and magical creatures.